Sunday, June 9, 2013

Graduation and Goodbyes: "Those I've Loved" by Eric Church

While I was attending my school's graduation this past week it hit me: Next year that's going to be me.  I'm going to be the one walking across stage to receive my (somewhat) well-deserved diploma, the one crying unashamed as I say goodbye to my friends, and the leaving home to brave this world on my own.

After I realized this I almost ran home, hid under my covers, and cried thought about all of the people who have supported me through the years and made me the person I am today.  I remembered the song "Those I've Loved" by Eric Church and I suddenly wanted everyone I've ever known to listen to this song and know that I would not be who I am without them.  Heck, even the people I didn't really love, like the girls that were mean to me in middle school, helped to shape my life.  I guess it just goes to show you that everything truly does happen for a reason and God deliberately puts people in your life that will help you grow as an individual.

Maybe there are people in your life that you simply cannot stand or that annoy you to no end.  Today instead of cursing them under your breath or gossiping about them with friends, try thanking God for putting them in life (then ask him for patience when dealing with them). Because who knows? Maybe they'll help you become the person God wants you to be.  

1 comment:

  1. <3 Awww.... When you were describing the "one crying unashamedly as they say goodbye to their friends" I smiled sadly, knowing too well that was me, and remembering Alex trying to "cheer me up" by singing the words to "I Dreamed a Dream". ;) Ironically, I did start laughing.
