Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chuck Wicks: A Star...Nearly

I've always been a huge fan of Chuck Wicks and I will be the first to say that he is highly underrated.

You may remember him from his 2007 top ten hit "Stealing Cinderella" or his not-so-successful stint on  the 8th season of Dancing With the Stars.
Hey, at least he tried.

Like most things in my life, it all started with Brad Paisley.  I got great tickets (thank you fan club membership) to Brad's show and wanted to make sure that I knew all of the opening acts. You know, to make sure I got the most out of my concert experience.  Chuck's name was on the ticket so I raced out to Target the week his CD was released and quickly fell in love with him his voice.  Chuck not making it huge in country music doesn't really add up:

            He writes his own songs with lyrics we haven't heard a million times.
            He's good-looking.
            He has a beautiful voice.
            He's super good-looking.
            He uses a unique mix of Country, R&B, and Soul.
            He's ridiculously good-looking.

So here's my prediction:  I don't think we've heard the last of Chuck Wicks.  His new EP "Rough" is even better than his debut album and if his new music is any indication of where his careers heading, he will have another radio hit.  Guaranteed.  It may not be this month; it may not be this year but Chuck is coming back with a fire and determination that will that eventually get him to the top of the country charts.  

To give you a taste of what Chuck is all about, go listen to one of his new songs called "Always".  It's a very powerful song that will make you ache, even though the lyrics are pretty upbeat.

"Fix Me" is also amazing:

As is "What if You Stay"


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Graduation and Goodbyes: "Those I've Loved" by Eric Church

While I was attending my school's graduation this past week it hit me: Next year that's going to be me.  I'm going to be the one walking across stage to receive my (somewhat) well-deserved diploma, the one crying unashamed as I say goodbye to my friends, and the leaving home to brave this world on my own.

After I realized this I almost ran home, hid under my covers, and cried thought about all of the people who have supported me through the years and made me the person I am today.  I remembered the song "Those I've Loved" by Eric Church and I suddenly wanted everyone I've ever known to listen to this song and know that I would not be who I am without them.  Heck, even the people I didn't really love, like the girls that were mean to me in middle school, helped to shape my life.  I guess it just goes to show you that everything truly does happen for a reason and God deliberately puts people in your life that will help you grow as an individual.

Maybe there are people in your life that you simply cannot stand or that annoy you to no end.  Today instead of cursing them under your breath or gossiping about them with friends, try thanking God for putting them in life (then ask him for patience when dealing with them). Because who knows? Maybe they'll help you become the person God wants you to be.